Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bingo, Pookie, and Mrs. Pretty Kitty Fancy Pants

Hello all,
Everyone that knows me is very aware that I LOVE my dog Gus so much! As an animal lover, and "nutritional genius" (One of my clients actually called me that), I thought it would be appropriate to talk a little bit about what our furry friends eat.  I hear a great deal about cats and dogs with skin conditions.  If one of my clients has a skin condition or allergy, generally we will experiment with an elimination diet until we discover what the culprit is.  Like humans, a lot of animals have sensitivity to grains.  Before dogs and cats were domesticated, you didn't find them consuming corn or wheat or barley.  If your pet has skin problems, or GI issues, I recommend trying grain free food until your take them to the vet and start spending $60-$100 a month for allergy shots.  Two types of grain free food I recommend are Nature's Select Grain Free and Primal Pet.  When switching over to new feed, please do it gradually.  Another option is to go with a raw food diet.  Many dogs and cats thrive on raw eggs, fish, meats, bone marrow, liver, and bone broth.  Questions? Comments? Fire away!

 Natural Pet Food ( free delivery to some locations)

Primal Pet Foods

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is Your Water Safe? An in Depth Look into Water Fluoridation.

Hi Friends,

Did you know....
1) That according to the handbook, The Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic.
2) Many children EXCEED the recommended daily fluoride intake from just toothpaste alone.
3) More people drink fluoridated water in The United States than the rest of the world combined.
4) 36 studies have linked fluoride with reduced IQ in children.
5) Since 1990, The National Cancer Institute, The New Jersey Department of Health, and The Safe Water Foundation all found that the incidence of osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, was SUBSTANTIALLY higher in young men exposed to fluoridated water as compared to those who were not.
6) In Europe, fluoride was once prescribed as a drug to REDUCE thyroid activity. 
7) Results from a Battelle Research Institute study demonstrated that fluoride was linked to a rare form of liver cancer in mice, oral tumors and cancers in rats and mice, and bone cancer in male rats.


   I hope I have the attention of all, especially you parents, and those whom are interested in procreating.  Many cities throughout the United States currently fluoridate the water.  When you drink water from the tap and take a bath or shower, you are being exposed to fluoride.  The City of San Diego began fluoridating all water in February of 2011.  California requires all cities with more than 10,000 water service connections to fluoridate.  If you are not in California, you probably are drinking fluoridated water as well.  If you do not know, please find out so you can protect your children. As of 2012, 72% of the total U.S. population gets their water from public systems that add fluoride.  

   What little benefit there MAY be for your teeth is far overshadowed by the overall health risks.   If you brush your teeth twice a day using the recommended pea size portion of toothpaste and drink two 8oz glasses of fluoridated water, you have already exceeded the recommended dosage for adults. 

My favorite resources for information on fluoride:
1) Sources of fluoride
2) Amount of fluoride in bottled water. I recommend spring water in order to reduce fluoride consumption.
3) Information regarding infants and exposure.  Infants are at a greater risk because they can only excrete 15% or fluoride compared to 50% for most adults.  The fluoride builds up in our system over time.
A pediatrician's take on fluoride:

Monday, August 5, 2013

How do our finest farmers fatten cattle? Why should it matter to you?

Hello all,
   Let's get down to the nitty gritty!  I should preface this post by saying I could talk for hours about the subject.
   Be careful when you purchase meat.  I will not mention any specific names because I do not want to employ a large legal team.  There is a prominent farm in California that sells their meat at Whole Foods, Sprouts, Vons, and many other markets.  There beef is labeled "Hormone Free.  Antibiotic Free. Grass fed."  If you call the "farm" and ask about their beef, you reach a lovely lady from the "Department of Nutrition" for the farm. need to ask the proper questions when purchasing meat and poultry.  The key questions are as follows: 1) Has the animal been hormone free from birth to death? 2) Has the animal been grass fed from birth to death?  (For poultry free roaming/free range from birth to death is adequate) The aforementioned "homestead" has trained their employees to substantiate what is on the packaging.  As of January 2013, the USDA allows for meat to be labeled "natural", "antibiotic free", etc if the animal has not received antibiotics, hormones, etc within the last 90 days before slaughter.  Scary! The consumer unknowingly ingests all the hormones and chemical cocktail that they feed the animals.
   If you look at any animal away from civilization and modern influences, one may be able to determine what the animal consumes naturally.  Wild cattle eat grass.  You never see cows heading to the store to purchase monstrous amounts of corn, barley, molasses, and soy.  If anyone is a witness, please let me know!  Here is an example of what they feed cows to plump them up in order to maximize profits:
Does that look similar to anything that is in your food?  Be careful with grains, corn, etc.  More to follow next post.
Warm Regards,

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How to get started!

Hello all,
I know that getting started on any journey is sometimes the hardest part.  I would love to help you achieve all your health, fitness, relationship, and career goals.  I am a certified holistic health coach by trade, but am also equipped to explore how certain "primary" foods can be addressed or modified in order to create balance and overall health in your life.  It will be fun!  I promise!

I can be reached at (619) 804 1206 or

My initial one hour consultation is always free.  Let's see if we are a good match to work together to improve your health and your family's health.
Warm Regards,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


My goal is to make healthy living and eating easy.  I will share recipes, nutritional information, workout tips, ways to reduce stress, and monthly goal setting suggestions.  Feel free to post any comments or questions! I will respond ASAP.
Thank you for reading!